Critical Acclaim For Cardinal's New Book

This small book is a love story, shared from the heart of a man who exemplifies devotion to Christ in the Eucharist in a way few American prelates have ever exhibited.   Cardinal Burke helps us plumb the depths of the truth as it relates to the Eucharist in a way that I would never have imagined possible.

Judie Brown President and Co-founder of American Life League



Nearly everyone at Sunday Mass gets in the Communion line, but few communicants have a solid sense of what (or who) they are receiving. They know that Christ somehow is present in the Holy Eucharist, but they are unclear about how that presence is to be understood and why it can be called “real.” It’s little wonder then that, for many Catholics, receiving Communion ends up as a social rather than a devotional act. We shouldn’t be surprised. You can’t love Christ in the Holy Eucharist unless you first understand that he is there and why he is there. Cardinal Burke explains both the that and the why in a way that is accessible to everyone and that can transform habitual Mass-goers into fervent Mass-goers.Karl Keating President, Catholic Answers


Drawing from the holy wisdom of our two most recent holy fathers, Blessed John Paul II and Benedict XVI, Cardinal Burke's teaching on the mystery of the Eucharist is clear and deep, profound and practical.  Written by a true prince of the Church, especially for Catholic laity, It is ideal for personal study and for prayer/study groups.  Spelling out the truth and beauty of the Church's eucharistic doctrine - in the light and logic of divine love - this book will both inform and inspire.  Divine Love Made Flesh truly deserves to become a classic.  Dr. Scott Hahn Chair of Biblical Theology and the New Evangelization, Franciscan University of Steubenville.


The Catholic Church is becoming the Church of the New Evangelization. With Blessed John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Burke puts the Holy Eucharist, the sacrament of divine charity, at the center of that global effort to bring the divine love into a broken world.  Catholics who reflect on Cardinal Burke's message will know that, when they leave Mass on Sunday, they are entering mission territory, in order to offer the world friendship with the Lord Jesus.George Weigel
Distinguished Senior Fellow and William E. Simon Chair in Catholic Studies, Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington, DC


The book of Cardinal Burke on the topic of the Eucharist is timely indeed.  His Eminence concisely details the basic teachings of our Catholic faith on the Eucharist and proposes that the Eucharist be the starting point and center of any project for a New Evangelization.  The cogent style of the presentation makes possible the ready use of the text for adult education, catechesis, and discussion groups.  I certainly intend on encouraging our religion education personnel to read, study, and utilize this excellent resource. Most Reverend Glenn J. Provost Bishop of Lake Charles


If you hunger to know everything there is to know about what Holy Mother Church declares is the “source and summit” of the Catholic faith  you are now in luck; American-born Raymond Cardinal Burke, Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, has just published the definitive clef notes on understanding the life-sustaining elements of the Eucharist for the soul while placing in weighted perspective the depth of improper reception of Communion and liturgical abuse.  He does this in great love and charity. The sanctification power of Divine Love Made Flesh is not limited to members of bedrock institutions like family and Church but extends to whole countries and this book we catch a glimpse of Cardinal Burke speaking to the Church militant and his fellow bishops.  He is Paul challenging the other disciples. For a generation that is in great need of more catechesis, Divine Love Made Flesh is a 'must read' for body, mind, and soul.Brian J. Gail Best-Selling Catholic Author, Fatherless, Motherless, Childless


The Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of our Catholic Christian faith. His Eminence, Raymond Cardinal Burke, succinctly and passionately reminds the reader of this core gem of the Second Vatican Council. Divine Love Made Fresh is a masterpiece and yet one does not need a degree in Sacred Theology in order to read, comprehend and appreciate this magnificent book. I wish we had it when I was in the seminary. It explains the centrality of the Holy Eucharist and the primacy of sacrifice while reaffirming the sacrament and sacred banquet dimensions of the 'bread of angels'. Most Catholics know that the Magisterium teaches as dogma the Real Presence but not everyone appreciates the implication and consequences of this most august Sacrament. I highly recommend this book to every priest, deacon, bishop, religious sister and brother and all the lay faithful. It will be great help to preachers at Forty Hours and Eucharistic Devotions but also a true vademecum for parish clergy, CCD and RCIA teachers to help explain and promote true devotion to the epicenter of Divine Love. Rev. Fr. John Trigilio, Jr., PhD, ThD Pastor, Our Lady of Good Counsel (Marysville, PA) and St. Bernadette (Duncannon, PA) President, Confraternity of Catholic Clergy Author, Catholicism for Dummies, Catholic Mass for Dummies, Catholicism Answer Book


Raymond Cardinal Burke has given us an important and timely gift in his book, Divine Love Made Flesh. It is sad but true that devotion to the Holy Eucharist has greatly diminished among many contemporary Catholics, and with it an understanding of the importance of the Eucharist has diminished, as well.  Thus it is vital that sound Eucharistic theology be taught clearly, fully, and in a way that inspires the awe and gratitude that the Eucharist deserves.   In Divine Love Made Flesh Cardinal Burke does exactly that.  Using the writings of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI as a guide, he offers us a wonderful vision into the endless mystery of God’s love that is made manifest in the Holy Eucharist.  In this excellent book the cardinal provides the reader with a clear yet profound understanding of the great sacrament that is the “source and summit” of our faith. Father Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR


Divine Love Made Flesh is one of the most pertinent books of recent times. The ancient axiom lex orandi, lex credendi (law of prayer = law of belief) is proven by Cardinal Burke. His Eminence eruditely shows the connection between what we believe (theology) and how we worship (liturgy). In other words, this book demonstrates the organic continuity of reverent worship with orthodox doctrine. Rather than a symbolic tool to hopefully achieve an idyllic unity, the Holy Eucharist first requires a real unity of believer and the Spouse of Christ. Members of the Mystical Body can partake of the Eucharistic Body precisely because they are united in doctrine (creed), morality (code) and worship (cult). Mortal sin and/or dissent from dogma divide while virtue and fidelity unite. DLMF will be a great gift for confirmation grads, students bound for college, newly ordained and for the average person in the pew.Fr. Kenneth D. Brighenti, PhD Vice Rector, Mt. St. Mary Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD Author, Catholicism for Dummies, Saints for Dummies, John Paul II for Dummies, etc. Host, Web of Faith on EWTN


St Augustine calls the Eucharist “the bond of charity.”  St Thomas calls it the “Sacrament of ecclesial unity”.  Cardinal Ratzinger’s ecclesiology is that of a Eucharistic community.  Based on these foundations, Popes John Paul and Benedict have enriched the Church with the documents, Ecclesia de Eucharistia and Sacramentum Caritatis.  Cardinal Burke’s accurate and readable commentary on these two major documents will help Catholics to appreciate ever more the marvellous gift of the Eucharist and the rich teachings of these Popes.Cardinal George Pell Archbishop of Sydney